members of the lab or group
Samuel Lacroix 2016-2020
I co-supervised Samuel Lacroix (Designer), with Francoise Detienne (Pyscho Ergonomie - CNRS researcher) during a CIFRE thesis in collaboration with E.D.F., where he was followed by Guillaume Foissac. Samuel’s thesis topic was “Domesticating the energy information: Comparing the feedback device design choices and user practices to develop a new design approach”. His thesis led to the creation of the broder design space for eco-feedback devices.
Samuel succesfully defended his Ph.D. the 28/05/2020 at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and received the first Ph.D. of the institut with the mention design. His Ph.D. thesis could be found here: Domestiquer l’information énergétique : Confronter les choix de conception de dispositifs de feedback et les pratiques des usagers pour proposer une démarche de design.
Tallulah Frappier 2020 - now
I am co-supervising Tallulah Frappier with Laurent Jeanpierre (Professor in Political Science and Sociology), on the topic ``The digital debate platform as a design object: obiet, space, graphics and procedure” In french La plateforme numérique de débat comme objet de design : obiet, espace, graphisme et procédure. Tallulah is funded by ENS Paris Saclay. And her work lead to muliple publications including:
Wen-Jie Tseng 2020 - now
I am co-supervising Wen-Jie Tseng with Jan Gugenheimer and Eric Lecolinet . Wen-Jie started his Ph.D. in the DIVA Group at Telecom Paris, France and transition to TU Darmstadt. The initial topic of the thesis was “Augmented Humanity: Exploring Ethical, Social and Political Challenges of Mixed Reality Using Design Fiction and Speculative Design” and it is focusing more and more to understanding people’s beaviour in a dual environement (Vitual reality + Physical reality). During his thesis Wen-Jie have published multiples interesting paper including :
- The dark side of perceptual manipulations in virtual reality - CHI 2022 %46qd0RQOQkc
- FingerMapper: Enabling Arm Interaction in Confined Spaces for Virtual Reality through Finger Mappings - CHI 2021
- Understanding Interaction and Breakouts of Safety Boundaries in Virtual Reality Through Mixed-Method Studies- IEEE VR
Elise Bonnail 2022 - now
I am co-supervising Elise Bonnail with Jan Gugenheimer and Eric Lecolinet . Elise Bonnail started her Ph.D. in the DIVA Group at Telecom Paris. She is working on the topic “Inducing and Protecting against False Memories through Interaction and Interface Design in Virtual Reality” During her thesis Elise Bonnail have published multiples interesting paper including:
Madalina Nicolae 2022 - now
I am co-supervising Madalina Nicolae with Jurgen Steimle and Marc Teyssier. She is working on the topic “*Designing software and hardware toolkits for Co-Fabrication of Structures in bio-composite and biodegradable materials *”, During her thesis Madalina Nicolae have published multiples interesting paper including: